Dolphin Bio Pool Cleaner -
Vendor: Dolphin

Dolphin Bio Suction is the first automated solution for maintaining both Bio and Natural pools. It combines the best of proven Dolphin technology and design with additional features that address the special challenges of Bio and Natural pools.
Unique triple-active brush action using to Bio brushes and an additional double-speed brush efficiently scrubs dirt, algae and bacteria even from extremely slippery and uneven pool floors and walls. Advanced technologies deliver precise scanning with built-in Gyro and smart sensors which identify nearby walls and enables the robot to avoid the regeneration area and ensure full coverage in minimal time without interruption.
Weekly timer - enable, plan and preset the weekly pool cleaning schedule.
NOTE: A CX18 Vac Hose must be added when being used in a natural pool to link to a wall vac point. This is to vacuum the residue back to the biological filters